There is color still in the Cottage Garden with zinnias around the bench
"Approach each season like it is the only one"
-- David Culp
Fall has arrived officially. At this time of year I am usually feeling tired and ready to throw in the towel, or put away the trowel, so to speak. This year, however, I had a new burst of energy after watching David Culp's September webinar in which he made the above statement. David Culp is the creator of the gardens at Brandywine Cottage in Downingtown, Pennsylvania. Read about his programs HERE. His monthly walks through the garden are truly inspirational, doubly so as they are illustrated with Robert Cardillo's beautiful photographs. I am now much more motivated to work in my autumn gardens.
As a result, this month I spent time freshening my borders and containers with fall-blooming perennials and annuals. I left most of the fading perennials, such as purple cone flower, to go to seed for the birds to enjoy. I cut down the dead Shasta daisy revealing its lovely basal leaves and removed some other ugly, dead plants such as peonies. I revel in the continued blooming of zinnias, marigolds, hydrangeas, and salvias. I delight in the appearance of fall-bloomers like asters, chelone, helianthus, and sedum 'Autumn Joy'.
Some plants that I added are pansies, viola, celosia, mums, croton, gladiolus, and a coreopsis. I removed straggly petunias from window-boxes and added a few sun-patiens that were only $2 each because it is the end of the season. From a distance my flower beds and containers don't look too bad. Although my gardens are fading fast they are an improvement on previous years at this time. Here are a few pictures. What do you think?
I did little to the Serenity Garden--just tidied a little. Duane put out the fall flags. |
I'm waiting for the asters, bottom left, to bloom. The hosta leaves are riddled with slug holes, so don't look too close.
September blooms clockwise from top left: sedum, turtle head, gladiolus, celosia, and pansy
The beautiful gladiolus lost all its blooms in the last storm, Hurricane Ida. September has been a month of heavy rains and high winds. Ida caused extensive damage in David Culp's garden and at Northview, my friend Jenny Rose Carey's garden--so many trees lost in both places. David says, "The nature of our art form (gardening) is change." But it must be difficult to see the ravages as an opportunity. Jenny Rose, however, is already planning new plantings--she is amazing. My prayers go out to all those who experienced losses in this year's unprecedented hurricanes.
Lavender, perennial geranium 'Rozanne', and yarrow 'The pearl' |
Japanese anemone 'Honorine Jobert' starting to bloom in Serenity. The anemone on the right has no flower buds. I wonder why? It is in the Cottage Garden area.
Clockwise from top left: mums, marigolds, and helianthus. Bottom left: the amsonia is now changing color and will soon be yellow
Wild asters, beautiful natives, appeared in the cutting garden this year |
Fading hydrangeas add their own beauty
The sage I planted in the herb garden is filling the trug with beautiful flowers. As salvia is a member of the mint family I shouldn't be surprised that it has spread so much. I guess this isn't the culinary one. I still have plenty of other herbs though: rosemary, chives, parsley, and thyme
The Kitchen Garden is still producing lots of goodies
Clockwise from top left: Bok choy, Swiss chard, string beans, cherry tomatoes, pole bean plant
There are also carrots, parsnips, and kale. In the coldframe I planted lettuces, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts.
Finally, a beautiful fall planter. This was a gift I received yesterday for my birthday on October 2 -- when I become an octogenarian!
Thank you Mary Ann and Calvin |
I am linking with Sarah,
Down by the Sea, in England for her monthly glimpse through the garden gate.
Enjoy fall, dear gardening friends!
Pamela x
The farmers in my potting shed with their fall produce
I love reading your comments. I hope you leave one so I’ll know you visited!
I look forward to visiting your blog in return.
Wishing you a very happy birthday for tomorrow, I hope you're celebrating in style. What a beautiful planter, I'm sure it will be given pride of place in your autumn garden.
ReplyDeleteThe cottage garden in September looks very, very good indeed. And I am impressed that the vegetable garden is still so productive. That celosia is new to me - very attractive.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow - have a wonderful day. Congratulations and happiest of birthdays!
ReplyDeleteHi Pamela, your Autumn garden is looking fabulous and so colourful. I like your red salvia. Is it pineapple sage? The pineapple scent of the leaves is devine. It is Spring here in New Zealand, so we are busy preparing the vegetable garden and enjoying the Spring flowers.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday for tomorrow. Hugs Rose x
Oh! Have an excellent day tomorrow for your milestone. The forecast looks great and I'm sure you'll have something wonderful planned. The garden looks exceptional. I also thought what David said was pretty spot on. Hopefully this weekend I can do a little sprucing up as well :)
ReplyDeleteAn octogenarian? It can’t be! You work harder at your gardening than others so much younger than that. My goodness. Happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteYour garden looks wonderful. I am looking back enjoying the colors of summer as the color continues to fade in my garden.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday! You work more than many young people I know!