For someone like me who hates an untidy home or garden, October can be a frustrating month. All those fallen leaves for goodness sake--they litter the lawn and are trodden into the house. Not to mention the messy flowerbeds with all that dead and dying stuff. This year, however, I am determined to relax and enjoy the season, delighting in the vibrant colors of flowers and foliage--after tidying my flowerbeds a little, of course. Mother Nature helped my new attitude by sending a wonderful spell of warm weather for the first two weeks of the month. I've been spending time just sitting out there delighting in the autumn hues. I do believe, though, that the leaves are less vibrant this year due to higher than average temperatures, but blooms are lasting longer. When a cold front came through this week, I feared the rain and wind would damage my plants, so I gathered some of the flowers to enjoy indoors.
Vases of flowers brighten every room
Here are some of the blooms that I picked. Arranged by color, they are labeled clockwise from top left:
Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes'; Zinnia 'Purple prince'; Hydrangea 'Limelight'; Zinnia 'Jazzy'; Rosa 'Knockout Pink; Chrysanthemum 'Sheffield Pink'; Celosia; and Spirea 'Golden Mound'
Euphorbia; Zinnia 'White wedding'; Japanese Anemone 'Honorine Jobert'; Yarrow 'The pearl'; |
Nasturtium 'Empress of India'; Lantana 'Bloomify red'; Zinnia 'Jazzy mix'; Fuschia hybrid; Zinnia 'Double Zinnia Salmon'
Mums; Tall black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia maxima; Marigolds; Agastache 'Blue Fortune'; Salvia 'Amistad' Perennial Geranium 'Rozanne'; Coreopsis 'Redshift' |
Cockscomb Celosia; Nasturtium 'Empress of India'; Pinapple sage Salvia elegans; Rosa 'Knockout red'; Lantana 'Bloomify Red' |
I took these pictures on the 15th which is Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I
realize I am really late, but will link anyway, hoping that Carol will
forgive me. Please go to her blog at May Dreams Gardens to see what is
blooming around the world. I already took a peek--some stunning gardens this month, including Carol's!
There are still lots of pollinators buzzing around (and some interesting spiders)
A few flowers I missed:
Morning Glory Ipomoea. Once you plant this vine you will never be without it.
The viburnum leaves are a lovely red and the shrub is blooming?!!
Two miniature roses. The left one is 'Joseph's Coat of Many Colors.' I think the one on the right is 'Toy Clown'
I planted pansies in pots and along borders
And here are a couple of plants that are especially stunning right now:
Chrysanthemum 'Sheffield Pink' |
Left: Friendship sage Salvia 'Amistad' Right: Pinapple sage Salvia elegans
This posting is a celebration of the October flowers in my garden. My next one will probably be about foliage as we are planning a trip to New England for a few days to celebrate trees in their autumn glory. I don't believe there is anywhere like this country for the colors of fall.
Whatever the season in your part of the world, enjoy, dear gardeners.
Pamela x
I love reading your comments. I hope you leave one so I’ll know you visited!
I look forward to visiting your blog in return.
Gorgeous flowers. I am so envious!
ReplyDeleteWhat a good idea, picked the flowers before they're spoilt to enjoy indoors. Your chrysanthemum is looking stunning, so pretty.
ReplyDeleteMany nice flowers in your garden to work into your bouquets. Love morning glory, but it is a weed here and hard to get rid of.
ReplyDeleteLOVELY pictures and so many beautiful flowers in your garden...
I know just what you mean about the untidiness of October gardens! A wonderful way to show us the flowers you have picked, it is definitely better to enjoy them inside than to see them battered and damaged outside at this time of year. Sarah x
ReplyDeleteSo many pretty things, and I miss them already! Our usual mid October first light frost was missing for two weeks, then arrived as four straight nights of hard freeze. Yesterday we cleaned up the “carnage”, and now I begin my bulb planting. I simply can’t begin until frost clears out my annuals.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed seeing glimpses of your tidy house. It looks perfect. My floors are littered with bits of fallen leaves tracked in by us and the dog. I envy your calmness and wish I could achieve it.
ReplyDeleteMy vegetable garden is finished for the year except for winter harvests. All of the hoop houses are up. Now I need to turn my attention to my flower beds. Not much can be done until the large oak tree in the middle drops its leaves. It forces me to be patient.