Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year 2018 from Astolat Farm

'New Year's Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.'
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Astolat Farm

One of the joys of winter is watching the birds visiting the feeder and heated water dish outside my window. Here are a few pictures taken during this week's snowstorm...

Top: Male cardinal. Bottom: Female cardinal
Blue jay
Tufted titmouse

The temperature may be sub zero fahrenheit (as it is this new year's morning) but Dude's winter coat is so thick he doesn't mind the cold as he waits outside to be fed. Billy, the goat, has more sense -- he is sheltering in the stable.

Dude, my miniature horse

Wishing all my friends a healthy, happy year
with a beautiful, blooming 2018 garden.
Love, Pamela

I love reading your comments. I hope you leave one so I’ll know you visited! 
I look forward to visiting your blog in return.


  1. Happy New Year Pam. Wishing you are your loved ones a fabulous 2018 full of happiness and wishes come true...and I should not forget...gardens that thrive! All the best for a Happy 2018!

  2. how do you take your bird pictures? are you outside? I try to get them from the window but they come out unclear, and then when I go out the birds fly off right away.

    1. I take them from inside using a Cannon Rebel EOS digital camera with a zoom lense. The branch where the birds land is quite close to my French doors and I can 'hide' behind the long drapes. I take numerous shots of each bird to find one good one. Hope this helps.

  3. Wonderful bird pictures. Happy New Year to you and yours. Stay warm!

    1. Thanks, Dorothy. It's difficult to stay warm with temps here at -0°F and oue heating is on the blink. But warmer weather is coming this week. Hurrah!

  4. You have such a beautiful winter there and the birds are just lovely :)

    Happy New Year Pam!

    1. Thank you, Dewberry. Your garden in Poland is beautiful!

  5. Happy New Year to everyone at Astolat Farm. Love all the pictures. My bird pictures are not quite as clear. Hope the winter does not stay this cold.

    1. Thanks. I'm with you re. the cold! Can't wait for spring.

  6. Happy New Year, Pam! Gorgeous photos!

    Ann Bailey

  7. There’s just something so beautiful and charming about winter snow photos with birds!

  8. Beautiful Bird photos Pam. You must have a great zoom!

    1. Thanks, Erin. My zoom isn't terrific, but the birds are pretty close to my window.

  9. "Only dreams give birth to change." Indeed! Your feathered friends are so sweet. Great photos!

    1. Yes, and I'm dreaming big this year, Beth. Hope you are too!

  10. All the best to you and yours for the new year! The wildlife photos are great, mine never come out anywhere close to being as focused or well composed even though we also have a pretty active feeder.
    Stay warm :)

  11. Your red cardinals remind me of the red bishops we had in our ash trees.

    1. Had to Google red bishop bird. Such an exotic-looking South African bird. Amazing.

  12. Goodness, it looks cold there, I hope the temperature rises again soon. I do love posts which include photos of your birds, they're so different to the ones we have over here. Wishing you and your family all the very best for 2018.

    1. Thanks, Jo. The temp is starting to rise today. Oh, how I miss the cheeky, little, red-breasted, English robin.

  13. I know it's cold, but it's so idyllic! I really must plan a tour of the US just to watch the birds - they are really beautiful. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.

    1. You are welcome here, Sarah, when you make your US tour.

  14. I really enjoyed your bird pictures. They're gorgeous.

    I thought your mini was a goat before I read the caption. lol My neighbor breeds minis and must have at least 2 dozen, all in different colors. They are furry but nowhere as furry as Dude.

    1. I have a pigmy goat, too. At least, Billy is supposed to be a pigmy but he is bigger than the mini horse.

  15. I can't imagine the birds'resistance to very cold weather. And i wonder where they hide when extreme conditions come! Happy New Year Pam.

    1. We provide as much shelter as possible, such as shrubs and bird houses. I hope the bluebirds survived this year -- haven't seen many.
